Better Business  

'Offering evening appointments helped me attract clients'

What do you see as being issues coming up in financial advice? 

A key focus for Tyson in the coming years is what he called a growing inheritance tax problem as well as people coming to the end of the terms of interest only mortgages. 

He said: “We have a  growing inheritance tax problem. In the London area especially it is very easy to go through the £500,000 band. 

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“Another big problem which is likely to be coming over the next five to 10 years is the pre-2008 interest only loans.

“These terms are coming to an end and there will be challenges in many cases.”

Tyson said he has recently had a handful of enquiries relating to this topic. 

He added: “If clients haven’t got enough income it puts them in a really difficult position and they tend to sell their homes. 

More broadly, Tyson thinks more can be done to attract more younger advisers into the profession. 

He added: “Generally speaking, advisers tend to be in their 50s. 

“There doesn't seem to be as many bank roles these days and I think that is where we may have lost some of the younger people coming in. 

“I fell into the profession after studying literature at Goldsmiths University and I think there is probably a lack of awareness of advisers in general among younger people.”

If you own your own advice firm and would like to feature in the Coffee Corner interview series, get in touch at tara.o’