Firing line  

PFS president says the 'only way is up' for body

"A personal highlight has been establishing a nominations committee and chairing it with other non-executive directors to oversee all hiring matters. We now have good governance that will oversee the recruitment of all future key hires, including member directors joining the PFS Board.  

"I’m excited to see which members join the board over the coming years as I feel we have an amazing opportunity as a board to help members and, in turn, the profession."

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He adds: "I’m looking forward to working with members who can bring a diversity of experience and thought to the board to help us deliver our strategy."  

Deep roots

Ward works for two long-established, rooted British institutions: Barclays Bank and the PFS/CII. He strongly believes in the importance of maintaining institutions with such rich histories, as well as driving innovation for the future. 

He explains: "Barclays has a history of over 330 years, this longevity is an extraordinary strength and we’re proud of our British heritage. The PFS has, for some time now, been the leading professional body for the financial planning sector with members recognised for their knowledge and expertise.

"Specifically, for the PFS, I’m confident it will continue to lead the financial planning community towards higher levels of professionalism exhibited through technical knowledge, client service and ethical practice."

Anthony Ward has been a chartered financial planner for more than two decades

Ward is adamant that the work the PFS does is vital for the success of financial advice in Britain. 

He adds: "A thriving PFS helps to attract new talent to the profession, it helps to retain talent in the profession and develop members who in turn deliver great outcomes for clients. The PFS has a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness of the value of financial planning."

According to Ward, while he strides two different organisations in financial services, there are big similarities between the two. 

He says: "Over the past two decades I’ve worked in the financial planning and wealth management professions, across a variety of roles. Ultimately both professions are focused on helping clients plan, retain and grow their wealth.

"It’s about enabling clients to invest for their futures and make a positive difference to their lives."

This passion is deep-rooted. 

Ward explains: "I discovered my passion for making a positive difference to clients’ lives early in my career, as an IFA. For the past decade, I’ve held various leadership roles in Barclays Private Bank and Wealth Management, leading wealth planning and wealth management teams.

"In these roles I have developed my passion for leadership and creating environments for colleagues to reach their potential."