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PFS president says the 'only way is up' for body

PFS president says the 'only way is up' for body
PFS President Anthony Ward says the accrediting body is in a strong position to support advisers and planners.

Personal Finance Society president Anthony Ward has found the past 18 months "challenging" but "transformative" as he prepares to pass the baton to a new president this November.

Speaking exclusively to FT Adviser, Ward - who is head of virtual wealth management for Barclays Private Bank and Wealth Management - says he has relished his tenure as president of the PFS. 

A chartered financial planner himself, Ward says his goal when being appointed as president of the PFS 18 months ago - at the height of intense internal disputes - was to lead a transformation period and bring some stability to the situation. 

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As reported at the time, a dispute between the two bodies started in December 2022 when the CII announced it was taking control of the PFS board amid "failed mediation". 

There followed a number of exits and appointments to the group, with PFS members threatening to leave or resigning their positions

In October 2023, Alan Vallance, former chief executive of the CII group, and Don MacIntyre, interim chief executive of the PFS, told FTAdviser: “We have stated clearly and repeatedly to members over recent months that the CII and PFS are now moving forwards together. 

Anthony Ward is president of the PFS and head of virtual wealth management at Barclays

“All our time, energy and resources are now fully invested in building a stronger future, and delivering exceptional services, for our PFS and CII members.”

But amid mediation and counsel, the divisions appear to be mended and both the PFS and the CII have been working on rebuilding bridges and restoring public trust.

In May this year, the PFS appointed its first independent chairperson following governance review, in what Ward said at the time was "one of the key recommendations from our governance review".

Ward states: "When I became PFS president 18 months ago, it was clear the PFS needed stability.

"My goal has been to lead the PFS through a transformation period and ensure that, when my term comes to an end later this year, I can hand over the baton to a new president knowing the large elements of the transformation have been achieved."

He says of the recent independent chairperson: "I’m delighted with what has been achieved in my term so far, including the successful recruitment of the first-ever independent chair of the PFS, a new member director to our board and a much-improved working relationship with the CII."

According to Ward, all of these achievements, together with improved corporate governance, have seen the PFS "deliver more for members this year, as can be evidenced by the feedback from members and improved membership net promoter scores scores".

Navigating to a better future

The media scrutiny at the time was intense; how was he able to navigate through the noise and create practical solutions? 

Ward says: "Drawing on experience built over my career helped me to address challenging situations that arose.