Friday Highlight  

Adopting a resilient mindset to get through the pandemic

Connect and collaborate

Connecting and collaborating with people increases your likelihood of success when tackling tricky problems.

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Complex or intractable problems tend to be more effectively addressed by a group than one person on their own.

Getting a group to collaborate has the added benefits of creating a sense of belonging between team-members and buy-in to the solution, all of which have substantial payoffs at the individual (wellbeing) and organisation (change implementation) level.

Being part of a team also gives people a higher sense of purpose, making them feel they are part of something bigger than themselves.

Being a leader is about more than having the right skills and experience - it's about having the right mindset and fostering the right attitude in others.

By taking the time to set the right mindset in yourself and your team, you'll be opening yourself up to more opportunities for growth and creative thinking, just in time for the new year. 

Portia Hickey is a chartered psychologist and co-creator of the Thrive Matters Platform