Diary of an adviser  

Diary of an Adviser: Jiten Varsani


I have hit the gym again and I am in front of the laptop by 9am at the Harrow office. 

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More emails to delete, I mean read, then it is on the phone to various preunderwriting departments to research potential underwriting terms for a client with pre-existing medical conditions. I have found some providers who can offer terms for life, income protection and critical illness. Some two-and-a-half hours well spent. 

I head off to my house (aka the building site) for a meeting with my builder to discuss the layouts of the indoor lighting. Together with discussions around various other planning aspects there goes two hours of my day. 

I head back to the office for a client meeting with a couple in their early forties who think they have sufficient protection cover.

This is despite their last protection review being 12 years ago. The meeting ends well, with them understanding the difference between mortgage protection and lifestyle protection planning.

We agree to meet again in a couple of weeks. 

The highlight of my day? Completing commentary for FTAdviser regarding an upcoming article on the rise of protection sales within the industry. 

I sign off at 5.30pm ready for a weekend of kitchen and bathroom furniture shopping.

Jiten Varsani is a mortgage and protection adviser at London Money Financial Services

If you would like to write a week in your life as a financial adviser, please contact: melanie.tringham@ft.com