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IFA launches replacement to Unbiased's Bluebook

IFA launches replacement to Unbiased's Bluebook

A Leicester-based IFA has aimed to fill the gap in the market filled by adviser directory Unbiased’s decision to close its Bluebook service.

Scott Gallacher, an IFA with Rowley Turton, has initially started the alternative connections service as a closed Facebook group.

He has said he will “see how it develops” before deciding whether to expand it.

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Mr Gallacher said: “I was very disappointed with the closure of the Bluebook service as felt that this was an important resource for financial journalists and advisers.

“When originally establishing a media presence the Bluebook service is invaluable by allowing advisers to connect directly with those financial journalists looking for quotes and comments.

“It’s also essential for journalists new to financial services who need expert commentary for their stories.

“Whilst I have now built up my own network of contacts I appreciate that this takes time for new advisers or journalists.”

Unbiased closed its BlueBook media directory last month, it said because of a lack of demand.

Unbiased claimed in recent years there had been a "rapid decline" in journalists using the BlueBook and in new advisers signing up to the media directory.

The Money Media Facebook group is open to all financial journalists wishing to connect with financial advisers willing and able to provide expert quotes and comments.

It allows financial advisers to connect with financial journalists, submit press releases and answer queries.

Mr Gallacher said that within hours of launching it had already recruited several influential IFAs and at least one national journalist.

The Facebook group can be joined here.