In Focus: Vulnerability  

Why don’t savers trust financial advisers?

  • To understand the drivers of consumer behaviour.
  • To be able to explain the value of advice.
  • To grasp ways in which vulnerable people can be best served at this time.

Given what an incredibly difficult year this has been for households all over the country, with many reeling in the dual shock of Brexit and COVID-19, many will be finding themselves more in need of regulated independent financial advice than ever. 

As the UK recovers from a turbulent 2020, now is the time for the financial services industry to double down on its efforts and re-assess how it can best serve Britons as they forge their path to a secure financial future. 

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Andrew Megson is executive chairman of My Pension Expert


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What might people feel they have to do, in response to the current economic outlook?

  2. According to Mr Megson, what were study participants invited to take home as part of an experiment?

  3. Megson warns that people might become harnessed by what?

  4. True or false? Megson says many people continue to be unclear about how fees are calculated.

  5. What would more Britons be willing to do if they knew consumer protections existed?

  6. What cannot be achieved overnight?

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You should now know…

  • To understand the drivers of consumer behaviour.
  • To be able to explain the value of advice.
  • To grasp ways in which vulnerable people can be best served at this time.

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