
How your client may be affected by FATCA

  • Describe what FATCA and CRS are
  • Explain what due diligence is involved
  • Identify which kinds of product are affected by the rules

‘Managed’ in this context means (a) some of the trust’s funds are managed on a discretionary basis or (b) there is a corporate trustee that performs administration and management activities on a commercial basis for the trust.

The issue here does not relate to opening accounts. The issue is that if either of these criteria applies, the trust will be viewed as an FI, which means the trustees themselves will be responsible for conducting due diligence on anyone deemed to be an ‘account holder’ in respect of the trust (such as they exist).

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A failure to file reports can lead to penalties.

A corporate trustee is likely to be on top of the FATCA and CRS requirements. If you are advising on a trust where funds are being managed on a discretionary basis by you or by a DFM, it might be worth the trustees seeking specialist advice about their reporting requirements.

This can also apply to charities. Charities are exempt under FATCA but not under CRS. If a charity receives the majority of its income from investment returns rather than donations and any of the funds are discretionary managed, the charity may be viewed as an FI, despite not being considered a financial organisation in the traditional sense.

Charity trustees might find they have reporting requirements they weren’t expecting. Specialist advice here will again be important.

Martin Jones is technical team leader at AJ Bell


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is part of UK law, true or false?

  2. what is the similarity between FATCA, the Common Reporting Standard and MiFID II?

  3. Only very 'limited and specific' accounts will need to be reviewed under the rules, true or false?be looked at

  4. What is the due diligence on accounts intended to do?

  5. Charities are exempt under FATCA, true or false?

  6. Which of the following is NOT in the scope of the rules

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You should now know…

  • Describe what FATCA and CRS are
  • Explain what due diligence is involved
  • Identify which kinds of product are affected by the rules

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