
How to sell protection policies

  • Identify reasons for selling different types of protection policies
  • Describe why advisers might sell a policy in trust
  • Describe the importance of scalability with mass affluent clients

Some practices are able to function with a relatively small book of wealthy clients.

But for those with a greater focus on protection or reliance on larger books of mass affluent clients, growth is dependent upon scalability – being able to see more clients and make more recommendations.

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Technology is key. It is only by embracing more efficient processes that advisers can service more clients, de-risk their businesses and create more embedded value.

So called ‘cash cow’ businesses cannot grow.

In recent years there appears to have been an uptick in protection sales – which is good – but there remain many untouched by the advice sector and who, being unaware of their financial vulnerability, do not buy of their own volition.

Reaching these people is key to increasing financial resilience and financial advisers have their part to play.

Ben Heffer is insight analyst at Defaqto


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What is the most popular ay for advisers to write critical illness and life policies?

  2. Why are relevant life policies popular for providing death-in-service benefits for certain employees?

  3. When is whole of life policy helpful?

  4. Which of the following is NOT a reason for putting a life policy in trust?

  5. Why are advisers reluctant to sell protection policies to clients?

  6. For those focused on mass affluent clients, the future depends on scalability, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • Identify reasons for selling different types of protection policies
  • Describe why advisers might sell a policy in trust
  • Describe the importance of scalability with mass affluent clients

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