
Advisers fail to explain protection support services

He also explained how EAPs through wellness and health advice and counselling can help prevent presenteeism, where employees are bringing themselves to work but are unable to concentrate or operate properly, which is having a significant effect on the workplace in terms of reduced productivity. 

Mr Shearman said: "Productivity and presenteeism is hard to actively track it and put a value on it for [any] particular workplace.

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"We know from our own statistics that one in five employees will be suffering from an issue in the workplace which will be affecting their productivity.

"Some of the organisations we work with have tens of thousands of employees, so you can imagine the number of employees being affected by issues inside or outside of the workplace, and the effects this will have on their productivity."

In 2017, the Centre for Mental Health report, Mental Health at Work: The Business Costs 10 Years On, reported that reduced productivity at work in the UK cost employers approximately £21.2bn, compared with £10.6bn for sickness absence.

The report stated: "Every organisation in the country is affected by mental health problems in the workforce, and while there is growing awareness among employers that addressing these problems makes good business sense, much remains to be done."

The report, which was authored jointly by Michael Parsonage and Geena Saini, also stated there was a critical need for organisations to promote wellbeing, create healthy work environments, support those experiencing mental ill-health and equip employees returning to work."