
Life! It’s a risky business

Denise Wond

Denise Wond

I’d had it pretty easy until my late forties.

All was good in Denise’s world but as I approached my fifties it all changed. I don’t know who these people are who are living to 100 but it’s not anyone I know.

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In the last few years cancer and cardiovascular disease have cut a swathe through both family and friends. My little bubble has been well and truly burst. Consequently, I’m fully aware of the additional costs and challenges illness throws up.

If you have any doubt about the impact illness has on financial stability, take a look at MacMillan Cancer’s No Small Change Report. It makes for grim reading. 

We often talk about peace of mind but what protection products really offer is freedom and choice.

The freedom to walk away from work in the event of a life changing illness and the choice to make significant changes to accommodate a new reality. Even when the world around you is tumbling down.

Denise Wond is marketing manager for Royal London