
Pensions must become a priority in divorce

  • To be able to describe the role of pensions in divorce settlements
  • To be able to define the different types of agreements that can be reached
  • To explain some of the pitfalls involved

Compelling pension sharing would be controversial and would limit parties’ choices to arrive at settlements that they feel work best for them and their children.

As costs and the price of living spiral and a comfortable retirement becomes more expensive, there is an increasing worry that many women are leaving themselves short in retirement as a result of decisions taken in their divorce.

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It is high time that pensions are brought to the forefront of financial settlement negotiations, and that the complex myths and jargon around them be debunked.

Ensuring people can access comprehensive legal and financial advice is critical, so that a well-informed decision is made, and that short-term gains are not at the expense of a financially secure future and enjoyment of later life. 

Matthew Taylor is a partner at Stowe Family Law 


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the gender pensions gap?

  2. The 'family' pension is typically of a higher value than the family home, true or false?

  3. What should a divorcing spouse consider doing to get the true value of their former spouse's DB pension?

  4. What is a pension attachment order?

  5. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of pension off-setting?

  6. Pensions do not have to be included in the negotiations or final financial settlement, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • To be able to describe the role of pensions in divorce settlements
  • To be able to define the different types of agreements that can be reached
  • To explain some of the pitfalls involved

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