Work and wellbeing  

Client advice: how safe are pension buyouts?

  • To be able to explain what a buyout is
  • To list the reasons why these are growing
  • To summarise the pros and cons of buyouts and buy-ins

Robinson adds: “If you are fortunate enough to be a DB scheme member, you have nothing to fear from a buyout, in fact, the opposite, it should provide long-term certainty.”

Rachael Healey, a partner at law firm Reynolds Porter Chamberlain, says DB schemes were heavily dependent on the financial position of the employer to fund benefits.  

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“If there is a bulk transfer of a scheme, it removes the employer from the equation, so the ability to pay benefits is no longer reliant on the solvency/financial position of the employer.”

Samantha Downes is a freelance journalist


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to LCP, what has surged almost 50 per cent?

  2. Fears are being raised over what?

  3. What could reduce the capital insurers are required to hold against liabilities?

  4. Gerken says insurers needed to understand how managing interest rates and inflation with vast sums of assets and liabilities may become greater sources or amplifiers of liquidity risk. True or false?

  5. How does one provider describe insurance company buyouts?

  6. According to Robinson, the risk of systematic failure, while present, is what?

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You should now know…

  • To be able to explain what a buyout is
  • To list the reasons why these are growing
  • To summarise the pros and cons of buyouts and buy-ins

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