
Guide to inflation and retirement income

  • Describe some of the challenges of high inflation on retirement funding
  • Identify some of the solutions to this issue
  • Explain how different cohorts are affected by high inflation and their pension
Guide to inflation and retirement income
(melpaul199/Envato Elements)


While the UK is in the middle of an interest rate increase cycle, inflation is still stubbornly high and this is having all sorts of consequences for people's finances.

Not least is this affecting people's retirement, when savers might have spent years building up a pension with the expectation of a certain cost of living, only to find that things have become more expensive.

This is a particularly acute situation for those about to retire or already in retirement, and many choices will have to be made over the type of retirement product they will want to select, as well as what their lifestyle is likely to be.

How to manage in more constrained circumstances is also a factor to consider for those well-established in retirement.

This guide aims to tackle some of these questions and is worth an indicative 60 minutes' CPD.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Sales of annuities sank in the first few months of this year, true or false, according to the first article?

  2. According to the second article, what has contributed to 'pound/cost ravaging'?

  3. In the second article, which of the following does Ernst Knacke say is NOT something to fear more than inflation?

  4. According to the third article, the starting income of an index-linked annuity is at a much lower level, true or false?

  5. In the third article, according to Fiona Tait who is a temporary annuity suited to?

  6. According to the fourth article, what is one of the negative consequences of income that keeps pace or outstrips the rate of inflation?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Describe some of the challenges of high inflation on retirement funding
  • Identify some of the solutions to this issue
  • Explain how different cohorts are affected by high inflation and their pension

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