
How to engage with clients on a retirement pathway

  • Describe the importance of investment pathways
  • Identify the tasks facing financial advisers
  • Explain the fees surrounding investment pathways

By considering a number of high-level options, advisers can align investment solutions to clients’ “withdrawal profile”.  In the case of Option 1, investment solutions look, to a large extent, like “business as usual”.  In the case of Options 2, there is a clear way to match those standardised objectives.  That leaves Option 3 & 4 to consider.  We cover this in our next CPD article.

Henry Cobbe is head of multi-asset solutions at Elston Consulting

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  1. Retirement pathways are completely irrelevant to the advised market, true or false??

  2. When should advisers have discussion with their clients on retirement options?

  3. The provider must always, without fail, ask a client if they have an adviser, true or false?

  4. For each option, what does the author recommend that advisers do?

  5. What is the OCF budget for advisers, taking platform charges into account?

  6. Why does annuity income fluctuate?

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  • Describe the importance of investment pathways
  • Identify the tasks facing financial advisers
  • Explain the fees surrounding investment pathways

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