
'Can Labour reach its housebuilding target?'

Tom Dunstan

Tom Dunstan

This could make the idea that Labour will exceed these previous attempts unlikely.

However, while people are sceptical about Labour achieving their target, they have made several steps in their quest so far such as overhauling the current planning system.

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Recently, Angela Rayner announced that all councils in England will be given new, mandatory housing targets, reversing a decision made last year to “water down” housing targets by making them explicitly advisory.

This announcement has been received positively and does seem like it will contribute towards the government reaching its target. 

We should all be very much behind the Labour party’s effort to expand the housing market as it will be beneficial for everyone but, even though they are making promising steps, I don’t believe they will be successful in their efforts. 

Perhaps then cautious optimism is the best for us sceptics, it will still allow us to say the magic words should they fail, “told you so”.
