Consumer duty  

'When the customer experience is lifted beyond the ordinary they will tell others'

John Moret

John Moret

A cultural revolution

Ultimately a firm’s success at meeting the consumer duty requirements will revolve around obtaining regular insight into the whole customer experience and then instilling or reinforcing a culture that focuses on the customer’s needs at every interaction and contact point.

Delivery will require the commitment and leadership of the firm’s board or management team; they set the culture by example.

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As chair of a customer insight business I never cease to be amazed at the number of businesses that shy away from obtaining regular insight into the views of their customers and of their staff.

But I have also seen numerous examples of the positive impact such insight can provide, not just for boards and management teams but also in providing real motivation for staff.

I am very fond of the quote by Arthur Nielsen: “The price of light is less than the cost of darkness”.

Consumer duty should be the catalyst for businesses to shine a light on their customers’ experiences and the four prescribed outcomes. 

There will be a cost, but when the customer experience is lifted beyond the ordinary they will tell others about it and new revenues will flow and profitability will grow.

And importantly this will define a culture for the firm and become a benchmark for its competitors.   

John Moret is chair of Investor in Customers