
We need earlier prevention on scams

Financial Adviser Letters

Financial Adviser Letters

Earlier prevention needed

Regarding your article ‘Firm fined £130k over unsolicited pension cold calls’, (Sep 10). How on earth can that happen without someone in authority knowing at a much earlier stage and preventing escalation to this level? Where are the safety nets? 

We seem to check the stable door not immediately after the horse has bolted, but rather when the horse has damaged someone. In fact, in this case, many people. 

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We need now to get to grips with what those in authority perceive is the next stable door waiting to be prised open. This is so unfair on the genuine and honest [advisers] within our industry, of which there are many.

Name and address supplied


Employment luxuries

Regarding your article ‘MPs told self-employed tax discrepancy “hard to justify”’ (Sep 17). 

Nobody seems to have mentioned that self-employed people do not receive holiday pay, nor sick pay, and when they don’t go to work on national bank holidays there is no ‘company’ behind them paying for such luxuries. 

Furthermore, nobody seems to have mentioned that the self-employed are not given generous final salary or money purchase pensions. Nor are the self-employed privileged enough to be given huge death-in-service benefits or private medical care for themselves and their families. 

Simon Evans

Shorestone Financial


Nothing beats the personal

I read with interest your article ‘Regtech aims to put an end to “bad advice”’ (Sept 10), which features plans for an automated compliance process that claims to guard against mis-selling. This seems at first sight a good and worthwhile idea. But will it work in practice? I see potential stumbling blocks.

Will the algorithm require a huge amount of input before coming to a conclusion? 

I don’t know about others, but I found that fiddling with a computer while having a client meeting wasn’t the best way of going about things. 

Also, if something does turn out badly in the end, it will hardly be an acceptable excuse to blame the programme.

I might be old fashioned, but I believe there is no substitute for knowing your client than getting up close and personal. Computers are a great boon, but they are not always the best way to go about things.

Harry Katz

HA7 Consulting 


Adviser rights

Following your article ‘Jumps of 160% as fees go under the microscope’ (Sept 17). 

There are two problems here. One is the obvious matter of the good guys picking up the bill for those who have defaulted. The second is that the Financial Services Compensation Scheme is enabled by Financial Conduct Authority rules to ignore any time-bar.

For years advisers have raged at the lack of a 15-year longstop, a legal defence that every other UK citizen is able to call upon.