Investigation: Future of Scotland as a financial services centre  

What is the public policy outlook for Scotland’s financial scene?

Stephen Jones, chief investment officer at Aegon Asset Management, says: “Stability or the lack of it has always played a strong role in the success or failure of investment centres. 

“Great education, stability of regulation, a reputation for business-orientated policy, effective transport links, ease of access for all and great, safe societies to live in are all in the remit of government and are what globally mobile talented individuals react to.”

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He adds: “There is also a Scotland brand in the international marketplace that is still recognised but it has evolved.

“Domestically there is more awareness in the broader investment community that the past few years have been tougher on Scotland-based investment communities, but there remains a strong hub in Edinburgh.”

For him, as for other financial services companies, the independence debate is one that has been lived with for a while.

Abadan adds: “We get asked about that less when compared to a few years ago.” 

David Thorpe is senior investment editor at FT Adviser