Vantage Point: Investing for lower rates  

What’s next for inflation?

  • Describe how market reactions to the inflation outlook have changed
  • Identify the reasons for the pace of decline in inflation possibly slowing
  • Explain how the labour market impacts inflation data

Zangana adds that the BoE should have scope to cut interest rates from May, as he expects short-term inflation to have decreased sufficiently by then. He adds that the trend rate of growth in the UK economy may also have risen, limiting the inflationary impact of rate cuts.  

Investment perspective 

Amundi head of multi-asset solutions Francesco Sandrini says the sharp repricing of more cyclical assets as investors anticipate rate cuts is prompting him to explore options in more defensive assets.

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He says the latter have underperformed cyclicals for an extended period, but he does not feel this underperformance will continue, principally because so much of the benefit of rate cuts is already priced in. 

Mark Jackson, product investment specialist within the multi-asset team at JPMorgan Asset Management, says he expects bonds will be the substantial beneficiary of lower rates as rate cuts would be a sign that inflation is going to be persistently lower, while he anticipates that with “no sign of global recession”, equities would also perform well. 

He believes the traditional inverse correlation between bonds and equities will be restored as rates are cut. 

David Thorpe is investment editor at FT Adviser


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the below is usually a characteristic of supply-side inflation?

  2. Which of the below is a reason why higher rates reduce growth?

  3. Which economic phenomenon does Lyons believe the UK economy has avoided?

  4. What does Zangana say is driving service-sector inflation?

  5. What does Lyons believe could be an outcome of the election cycles in the UK and the US?

  6. Which of the below does Zangana believe means inflation could be structurally higher over the longer term?

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You should now know…

  • Describe how market reactions to the inflation outlook have changed
  • Identify the reasons for the pace of decline in inflation possibly slowing
  • Explain how the labour market impacts inflation data

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