Responsible Money  

Finding the next generation of thematic responsible investments

  • Identify the next generation of responsible investment opportunities
  • Describe how to build a diversified responsible investment portfolio
  • Identify the main factors to consider when building a thematic portfolio
Building a thematic responsible investment portfolio
Responsible investing is moving beyond just the environmental, but what are the next themes to be captured in portfolios?

Responsible investing began with a clear focus on excluding certain types of assets, and then evolved into having a stringent focus on environmental issues, but as the asset class evolves, what are the next generation of themes that may allow investors to diversify their responsible investment portfolio? 

This guide, which comes with 30 minutes of CPD, examines the outlook for a range of responsible investment themes in a changing world, exploring the themes which may become an increasingly important part of clients portfolios.

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of these are drivers of new investment themes, according to the asset managers?

  2. Why does Ralf Oberbannscheidt say the environmental criteria are easier for an investor to asses?

  3. Why does Hortense Bioy regard many ESG funds as well-diversified?

  4. What does Bioy say characterises three-quarters of responsible investment funds?

  5. Which of the below is the hallmark of a good thematic portfolio, according to the asset managers?

  6. What does Chris Gannatti say is a major mistake responsible investors make when going down the thematic route?

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You should now know…

  • Identify the next generation of responsible investment opportunities
  • Describe how to build a diversified responsible investment portfolio
  • Identify the main factors to consider when building a thematic portfolio

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