Vantage Point: Volatility  

Do absolute return funds have a future?

  • To understand how absolute return funds have evolved
  • To understand the trade-off between volatility and return
  • To discover the role equities play in such portfolios

Hovenden’s solution is to recommend for clients only those funds within the sector that also engage in the short-selling of equities, as this enables one to profit directly from the fall in equity markets as well potentially the rise, allowing for equity exposure that can also have lower volatility.  

Argonaut's Norris does engage in short-selling in his fund. He says: “Short-sellers get a bad rap. This is partly because the things we short sell are in areas where there is a dominant narrative. One example of this right now might be renewable energy. We think there could be profits to be made from short-selling renewable energy companies for the next decade. But it is not something people want to hear, and we are aware it doesn’t always work.”  

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He adds he would always have a “net long” position in the portfolios, meaning he will always have more equity investments that are profitable if they rise in value than if they fall in value. 

Fitzgerald also engages in short-selling in his funds, but says the major change in markets now is likely to be that the characteristics of a company, such as whether it is profitable or not, have become more important than the geographical location or the sectors in which it operates.

David Thorpe is special projects editor at FTAdviser


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What were the outflows from absolute return funds in 2021?

  2. What does Fitzgerald regard as a "cop-out"?

  3. What are the two reasons why advisers often can invest in hedge funds?

  4. What does Dannatt say can no longer provide "ballast" in portfolios?

  5. What does Fitzgerald say is the big mistake absolute return managers make when they do not hit their targets?

  6. What are the only type of absolute return funds Hovenden is happy to recommend to clients?

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You should now know…

  • To understand how absolute return funds have evolved
  • To understand the trade-off between volatility and return
  • To discover the role equities play in such portfolios

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