Best In Class  

Best in Class: Liontrust UK Micro Cap

Examples include the mortgage broker network the Mortgage Advice Bureau, which was sold after exceeding the market cap – but only after the fund benefitted from 140 per cent of share price growth.

The fund now holds Belvoir Lettings – which is the UK’s largest franchised lettings agency with almost 400 businesses across five brands. A key part of its expansion into offering financial services alongside its lettings and sales was the acquisition of Mortgage Advice Bureau’s largest franchise.

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There are other examples in other industries, be it software with dotdigital (past holding) and Attraqt or music with Focusrite and Gear4Music.

Micro-caps are not for the faint hearted but they also offer outstanding growth opportunities. We like the team’s disciplined process with the fund only focusing on companies which already generate a profit. Victoria Stevens describes it best: “We don’t mind ‘jam tomorrow’, as long as we’ve got bread and butter today.”

Darius McDermott is managing director of FundCalibre