Autumn Investment Monitor 2017  

Investors have crucial role in global shift to decarbonisation

This article is part of
Autumn Investment Monitor 2017

Looking at bonds, the absence of proof of concept makes the ‘testing phase’ – whereby an investor invests into purely green assets – risky. Instead, green bonds were created as a signalling tool for asset owners to emphasise their intent to investing in a sustainable manner, also enabling investors to efficiently track what it is they are actually financing.

The fight against climate change requires a global effort, ranging from political will to financial markets. Investors can help achieve the climate objectives set by the Paris Agreement and reinforce a continued shift towards decarbonisation.

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Frederic Samama is deputy global head of institutional clients at Amundi




Days after Donald Trump’s inauguration that the US president announced the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord


Current annual expenditure on low carbon infrastructure


Required annual spend on low-carbon infrastructure to meet the Paris agreement


Growth of the green bond market in 2016