
Platforms Special Report - November 2016

  • Comprehend the importance of platform due diligence
  • Gain an understanding of technological developments in the platform space
  • Grasp how the platform charging structures have evolved
Platforms Special Report - November 2016


Investment platforms have been around for a number of years but in a world of increased outsourcing and technological innovation, are they still offering what advisers want?

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Mr DeDominicis the introduction of pension freedoms, allowing investors increased access to their pension assets, means life companies must specifically work on what?

  2. The 2016 Investment Adviser Platform Survey identified a number of trends, but which of these issues was NOT rated important/very important by more than 90 per cent of respondents?

  3. Fees are a key issue for many advisers when considering a platform. But Mr Tiller points out that low fees without what, will not secure long-term adviser support?

  4. As consolidation continues in the platform market, financial strength and scale form part of the assessment, but Mr Barrett highlights what other issue?

  5. Smaller investors can benefit from a percentage fee charged by a platform, according to Ms Wilson. But for what reason?

  6. The current buzz in technological circles is around the potential for what system to disrupt the financial services industry?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Comprehend the importance of platform due diligence
  • Gain an understanding of technological developments in the platform space
  • Grasp how the platform charging structures have evolved

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