Sustainable Investing  

Sustainable Investing - October 2016

  • Gain an understanding of what sustainable investing entails
  • Comprehend the importance of ESG integration when looking at investments
  • Grasp the developments in the emergence of Green Bonds
Sustainable Investing - October 2016


With Good Money Week scheduled for the end of this month (Oct 30-Nov 5 2016) sustainable investing in all its forms is stepping into the spotlight. So how has the industry evolved from the traditional ethical funds once considered by investors to sacrifice returns for social good into a sector that led to the governor of the Bank of England highlighting the implications of climate change on the financial sector? 

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. The launch of the UN Principles of Responsible Investment led to what change according to Matt Christensen?

  2. As nuclear power, in the form of Hinckley Point, hit the headlines, which of these is NOT used by Liam Kavanagh to describe the impact of the project and nuclear power?

  3. How does Jeroen Bos ultimately describe responsible investing and ESG integration?

  4. How do 'Green Bonds' specifically differ from other government and corporate bonds?

  5. Sustainable investing and ESG considerations have come into focus recently because of high profile cases. Which of these is not cited as an example for increased ESG focus?

  6. The ICMA has set out the green bond principles, but which of these is NOT highlighted as part of the guidelines?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Gain an understanding of what sustainable investing entails
  • Comprehend the importance of ESG integration when looking at investments
  • Grasp the developments in the emergence of Green Bonds

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