In Focus: Diversity in the profession  

Six ways to build a meaningful diversity strategy in your business

  • Communicate the importance of diversity in the financial advice sector
  • Outline best practices for implementing effective diversity strategies
  • Identify practical steps to foster a more inclusive workplace culture

By prioritising diversity, firms can unlock the full potential of their workforce, foster innovation, and build stronger relationships with clients.

As our profession evolves, those who embrace and champion diversity will be better positioned to thrive in an increasingly competitive and diverse marketplace.

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Andy Payne is head of the St James’s Place Academy 


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why is diversity in advice firms important, according to the author?

  2. There is no discernible link between diversity and business performance. True or false?

  3. What should business leaders do before they formulate their diversity strategy?

  4. Regularly adjusting progress is crucial for the long-term success of diversity initiatives. True or false?

  5. How can managers get their employees on board with a new diversity strategy?

  6. Biases can influence behaviour and decision-making processes without our explicit awareness. True or false?

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You should now know…

  • Communicate the importance of diversity in the financial advice sector
  • Outline best practices for implementing effective diversity strategies
  • Identify practical steps to foster a more inclusive workplace culture

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