In Focus: Protecting your client  

Why children are the future of protection advice

  • To learn how advisers can support young people entering the industry
  • To understand the challenges the industry faces in attracting young talent
  • To learn how to foster better engagement with consumers

With TikTok being one of the biggest platforms for the younger generation, we should be utilising it a lot more. We are starting to see more coming through on social media platforms, which I am sure you will have had a taste of on LinkedIn, and these are a great way to get messages out there.

However, we need to expand this and get more real life stories to the masses, ones that resonate with consumers, and that is where it will really come to life.

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And what better way to bring this back around to where we started: how do we get younger people into the industry?

By offering them a career where they can use their devices to generate and support new customers, like themselves, through mediums that they understand a lot better than those of us who have been here a while.

Emma Vaughan is head of protection services for SimplyBiz 


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, some of the biggest success stories of getting younger people into the protection industry are from businesses that use a referral system. True or false?

  2. According to the author, how should protection marketing change?

  3. According to the author, how can apprenticeships be best promoted?

  4. Platforms like TikTok can be a great way to create engagement with younger audiences, but there are regulatory concerns.

  5. According to the author, why is the industry struggling to attract young talent?

  6. According to the author, 'holistic' advice must include protection even if the customer base is older. True or false?

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  • To learn how advisers can support young people entering the industry
  • To understand the challenges the industry faces in attracting young talent
  • To learn how to foster better engagement with consumers

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