
How Fos is handling the pandemic

  • Describe some of the changes instigated by the Fos during the pandemic
  • Identify the impact on adviser firms for some of these changes
  • Describe how Fos is behaving towards insurance companies

Looking forward, it can be expected that the pandemic could act as a catalyst for the 'fair and reasonable' approach being more readily applied by firms at the initial complaints-handling phase and an acceleration in the shift, that many financial services firms have already started to embed, around 'doing the right thing'.

In some cases, firms may feel that the Fos expects more than the FCA would.

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To some degree that may be right, particularly as the Fos's decision-making powers is based on what the relevant ombudsman considers is fair and reasonable under the cirucmstances, rather than to decide cases as if it were the FCA.

However, advisers  may also want to consider that, in practising  improved complaints-handling and embracing the right mentalities and culture, this not only helps to achieve regulatory compliance, and better reputational standing,  but it may also prevent the risk of mass Fos complaints arising from systemic failures which could threaten a firm's solvency and, ultimately, lead to re-structuring and FSCS claims. 

It follows that the case for firms and advisers to ensure that their own complaints-handling systems are best in standard and even more customer-centric is a compelling one -  both from a regulatory and business commercial perspective.

Jonathan Cavill and Anthony Harrison are contentious regulatory and redress specialists at Pinsent Masons


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, Fos has weighed heavily on the policyholders' side, regarding the payment of business interruption policies during the pandemic, true or false?

  2. Fos is likely to take a particularly sympathetic view on complaints brought by elderly victims of scams and frauds, during the pandemic, true or false?

  3. Why do firms' complaints-handling systems need to be operationally resilient?

  4. Financial hardship is not seen as a particular trend, right now, true or false?

  5. What impact are legal challenges to Fos's decisions likely to have on decision-making?

  6. What could be the longer-term impact of Fos's

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the changes instigated by the Fos during the pandemic
  • Identify the impact on adviser firms for some of these changes
  • Describe how Fos is behaving towards insurance companies

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