
How advisers can help clients prepare for Brexit amid uncertainty

  • Identify the key ways Brexit is likely to affect clients
  • Explain why paying attention to cyber security will be very important
  • Identify the actions advisers need to be carrying out now

The main obstacles to investing in Europe will be legislation, tax and VAT.

We need to understand what the impact is and how that will affect other countries not in Europe.

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However, again this could change depending on what deal is agreed with Europe. It will go to the wire, ultimately putting more pressure on all advisers.

Banking relationships may change with those having European headquarters slowing things down and requiring clarity on how things are going to work post Brexit.

In the short term, we may find sourcing banking and organising financing less straight-forward. Gearing opportunities may be limited or at very least more complicated, with increasing compliance costs and more protracted processes.

We have to help our clients to expect the unexpected. The adviser community will need to spend more time with clients to take them on our journey so that they fully understand the issues that we will face post Brexit.

Now is the time to communicate with other professionals and build long lasting and strong relationships.

The message is clear.

Get your list of advisers ready and talk to your clients so that the journey post-Brexit is as smooth as it can be.

Communication is key and we all need to be aware of the pitfalls and be able to find solutions as soon as is practically possible.

Tanya O’Carroll is managing director of Isle of Man-based Oak Group 


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. True or false. Under Brexit rules VAT will become less complicated as we move to a single EU VAT market

  2. True or false, moving to different jurisdictions after Brexit will not affect a client’s pension.

  3. According to Tanya O’Carroll, why is it important for advisers to build relationships with key and trusted individuals in different jurisdictions?

  4. Which issue may not directly affect a client’s asset but is one of the most important areas for advisers to get guidance on?

  5. What are likely to be the main obstacles to investing in Europe after Brexit?

  6. According to Tanya O’Carroll why might gearing opportunities become limited?

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You should now know…

  • Identify the key ways Brexit is likely to affect clients
  • Explain why paying attention to cyber security will be very important
  • Identify the actions advisers need to be carrying out now

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