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Diary of an Adviser: Adrian Anderson

Adrian Anderson

Adrian Anderson


I have not even made it to my desk before my mobile rings. An existing client is calling to let me know he has agreed to purchase a new flat in Mayfair over the weekend. There are only 10 working days to exchange contracts, but I am familiar with this type of property and the high level of demand for it. I know we have to act quickly otherwise somebody else is going to snap it up. I need to find a lender who is not only pricing competitively, but who has the ability to turn around a mortgage application extremely quickly. “Oh by the way,” my client says as we are finishing our conversation, “it has a rather short lease.”


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My offices are in Mayfair and I arrive extra early today as I only have an hour to gather supporting documents and prepare before I head over to the City. I am meeting with a new ex-pat client who is a banker in Singapore. I am introducing him to a private bank I know well. We meet at my client’s offices, which are on the top floor of a shiny new building in the heart of the City. It has amazing views down the river. As the historic writer Samuel Johnson said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”


My first task today is to gather the sales figures for our weekly team meeting at 10am. Last month turned out to be another very positive one and this one is not looking too bad either. The introduction of MMR has naturally made our jobs more challenging. Luckily, it has had a silver lining because it has driven a flight to quality independent advice, which means we are busier than ever. After the meeting, a lender comes into our offices to run through their new lending criteria. We will reserve judgement on this until our first few applications get past the finishing post.


I have a new client meeting at 9am. The prospect has recently left his role in a large, well-known accountancy firm after 10 years to set up a new private equity venture. His first set of company accounts have not even been prepared yet. The absence of any income history will concern the banks, so I know already that this is not going to be an easy meeting. Luckily, I have lunch to look forward to. I am meeting a Chelsea-based estate agent to discuss the possibility of their agency introducing clients to us if they need mortgage advice.


Today is my favourite day of the week. My only meeting is with a local wealth management firm I already know. The firm has already introduced some great quality clients and would like to discuss referring more. After that, the Anderson Harris team heads out for lunch. I think it is important to make time for lunch on Fridays, especially as we were four years young this week. The team and I celebrate the anniversary at one of our local gastro pubs.