
Growing divide in US investor favour

This article is part of
Passive Investing - June 2014


Japan may not be known for its exchange-traded product market, but according to ETFGI the country saw a record high of assets in May, at approximately $86.7bn. Figures from the May BlackRock ETP Landscape report, meanwhile puts the total number of products in the Asia Pacific region, including Japan, at 670 with roughly a 6.9 per cent share of the market.

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Often put into the same category as the US under the title North America, Canada nevertheless has a small but growing ETP market. The ETFGI report places Canada with approximately $63.2bn in assets at the end of May, from approximately 309 products with a 2.5 per cent share of the market.


This region is more difficult to decipher with the ETP Landscape report unable to get inflow data for May and the year-to-date. However total assets in exchange-traded products listed in these countries is believed to be approximately $46.5bn equivalent to a 1.8 per cent market share, even though it has more products than Canada at roughly 374.


The smallest of the global ETP markets, this region has just 40 listed products as of the end of May 2014, with just $9.5bn in assets and a 0.4 per cent share of the market. According to the research from the May ETP Landscape report, the majority of exposure is to equities, with just 1.9 per cent of flows going into fixed income ETPs.

Nyree Stewart is features editor at Investment Adviser