
What we can and can’t do without

One last point on the review – there are four full pages on governance and accreditation. There is not one on marketing or distribution.

I hope that the slight relaxation away from standard Ts & Cs will lead to the idea being dropped in favour of an approach where providers compete but have to meet a robust set of customer-friendly criteria to gain the kitemark. This, I am sure, is the only way forward. It will encourage them to design competitive products and to sell them. It will not be easy.

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Clive Waller is managing director of CWC Research

Key points

– The term “simple financial products” is arguably an oxymoron.

– There may be a need for a simple savings product; there is no need for a simple life product, but there certainly is a need for a simple income protection product.

– There are four full pages on governance and accreditation, but there is not one on marketing or distribution.