
Advertisement feature: Every family deserves protection

When developing the TV advert, Aviva engaged with Grief Encounter, a charity which provides support for children who have lost a parent. Colley says:

“We wanted to better understand the true impact for a child who has lost a parent. This insight confirmed that having financial protection in place can make a terrible situation a little better. I remember asking Shelley Gilbert, the founder of Grief Encounter to explain the difference she saw in children who had lost a parent where no financial security had been in place. I have to say what we heard made us all pretty numb. I personally felt a real sense of frustration because if every parent knew and heard these stories they would take action. It was an emotional rollercoaster for the team. Many of us are parents ourselves. It certainly gave us renewed focus on putting the message across so advisers feel more compelled to advise on protection.”

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Aviva now offers a referral to Grief Encounter for children of an Aviva life insurance policy holder, if that person has died. This will be applied to all claims regardless of when the policy was taken out. Colley adds “We genuinely care about family wellbeing – this support can provide some comfort when their world has been turned upside down. I know I’d want my children to experience the great things they do if the worst were to happen to me. They truly make a big difference”.

Aviva recently sponsored a Grief Encounter Fun Day where 50 children and their families visited the Olympic stadium. Ms Colley adds “Families were encouraged to write messages to the loved ones they had lost on helium balloons and released the balloons into the sky at the same time, with a minute’s quiet reflection. It’s these types of things that can make such a difference to bereaved families.”

While the focus is currently on promoting the need for protection, Aviva is also confident it has the right range of products available to customers once they have identified that need. First and foremost, it is very proud of its claims statistics.

“When it comes to products, consumers want simple products that do what they say on the tin,” Ms Colley states. “The key moment of truth comes when a loved one has to make that call to the insurer and make a claim”. She believes the claims history and statistics should be at the top of the list when selecting a provider. “We are hugely proud of the Aviva claims team. I know if my family ever had to make that call it is that team I would want my family to deal with. We call them the jewel in the crown at Aviva. Customers tell us that – it makes us all hugely proud.”